How does Define Financial make money?

We are a commission-free (a.k.a. fee-only) retirement and tax planning firm. Our fees depend on your needs and complexity and are a transparent line item on every statement.

Some financial advisors are commission-based, which may cause fees to be hidden or create conflicts of interest. Not us.

One transparent fee includes the management of ALL investment accounts + ongoing retirement and tax planning. Our transparent fees are either based on:

  1. A percentage (%) of investments being managed (0.10% to o.375% per quarter); OR
  2. A flat annual fee ($12,000 per year minimum)

It only makes sense to hire a financial advisor -- or any professional -- if the value they provide exceeds the fee being charged. In other words, the time and effort saved by hiring an expert + the tax savings (and potentially increased investment returns) need to exceed the fees being charged.

The Retirement Assessment we present to you will clearly quantify the benefits you will receive. Scheduling your first phone call with us is the first step to take to determine if we might be a good fit to work together.